Category Archives: Games

Fall Free Demo

What started out as a very simple exercise in dumb game-making became a complicated exercise in dumb game-making, and I want to follow this thing through and polish it up a bit better.  But the deadline for this week’s B.C. is here, and I present to you the demo version for “Fall Free.”

Story: You are a green-haired anime ronin with magical head powers falling down a long, seemingly endless hole.  You are being pursued by robot angels and soldiers.

Controls: Left and right move.  Down triggers your head magic, and allows you to smash through the brown wooden boxes.

Download the demo!



Horrifying implications

You are a 5 foot 7 inch tall human, with small muscles as quick as they are strong.    You have a fairly normal face, with olive skin.  Your long brown hair looks good on you, accentuating your features well.  You have girly hips that draw the attention of those around you, and your full ass fills out your clothing nicely.  Two normal human legs grow down from your waist, ending in normal human feet.

You have two tits, each supporting one 0.2-inch nipple.  You could easily fill a C-cup bra.

You have a virgin vagina, with a 0.5 inch clit.

You have one virgin ass, placed between your full ass-cheeks where it belongs.


Never before has such a straight forward description of a person had such horrifying implications.